Event Registration

2025 Beyond the Book: An Immense World Wed. 3/26 | 6:30pm
03/26/2025 06:30 PM - 08:00 PM ET


  • $15.00  -  Non-member
  • Free  -  South Huntington Library Patron
  • Free  -  Huntington Library Patron
  • Free  -  Cold Spring Harbor Library


Cold Spring Harbor, NY

Beyond the Book

An Immense World by Ed Yong

Wed, Mar 26 | 6:30pm

Have you ever wanted to see through the eyes of an animal?  Science writer Ed Yong encourages us to explore beyond the limits of human senses to discover how animals perceive the world around them.  We’ll learn how turtles track magnetic fields, what exactly dolphins can sense with their echolocation, and why giant squid need such enormous eyes.  In our discussion, we’ll examine the incredible ways that marine animals in particular are adapted to their unique environment.

Registration is FREE for Museum Members and Patrons of Huntington, Cold Spring Harbor & South Huntington Public Libraries.
Museum Members, please log in to sign up for free.
Participating Library Patrons will select the option to confirm their patronship and then enter their library card number. 


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All others, continue on this registration form: 

For further assistance, reach out to us or call us on weekdays at 631-367-3418 x10.


Please note, registrations are final and nonrefundable. 



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